Assignmentpersonal declaration of independence examples

For this assignment, you’ll create your own, modern-day example of a Declaration of Independence.


Step 1: Pick FIVE of the grievances listed in the Declaration of Independence and rewrite them in your own words and with enough of an explanation that they make sense.

For example, “He has refused his Assent to Laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good.” could be rewritten as, “The King did not allow laws to be passed that benefited the colonies.” Include both the actual text and your example.

Step 2: Following the template laid out in the Declaration of Independence, write your own declaration about any injustices your notice in your life or those around you (it could be related to school, work, study groups, relationships, political issues, etc.) Although not required, you could use the following outline to write your own declaration (add information to each of the four paragraphs):

Step 3: Share your declaration in a visually appealing way, either in the form of an infographic, presentation, or video. Share your declaration in the discussion forum.

Worked Examples

Sample 1 (showing the text only):

When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for one person to demand assistance in the regular maintenance of the bathroom cleanliness, decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

I hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men and women are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are the rights to cleanliness, public sanitation, leisure time, and peace. Over the past several years, my family has repeatedly ignored my requests to assist in cleaning the toilets.

To prove this, let facts be submitted to a candid world…Instead of lending a helping hand, her requests have been blatantly ignored and denied. While she works endlessly to maintain the porcelain glow of the toilet, the brass shine on the faucets, and the impeccable whiteness of the shower tub, her family members seem dead set on creating as much possible filth within the bathroom quarters.

In over 5 years of family life, she has never once seen an unexpectedly clean bathroom. She wipes the counters and mirrors at least thrice weekly with a Clorox wipe, which goes unnoticed by all. She vacuums and cleans the bathroom floor at least weekly. She uses a bathmat instead of dripping wetness all over the clean bathroom carpets while no one else does so. She was once asked if they own a toilet brush cleaner. Yes, yes they do. Others claim to not know the location of the bathroom cleaning supplies, although they remain faithfully under the bathroom sink.

I, therefore, solemnly publish and declare that the time has come for me to step down from her bathroom duties and relinquish them entirely to the fate of her family. She will not mop, vacuum, clean, wipe, or brush any portion of the bathroom and will wait to see just how filthy it becomes before her family members realize she has retired from these duties.

Sample 2: