An electrical contractor has lost parts for a 5kV switchgear lineup. The contractor has fabricated (in their shop) replacement parts. I believe the intention of "Listed" & "Labeled" and also 110.3 is to use only "approved by or fabricated by the manufacuter" replacement parts. The contractor insists this is ok.
I know; 1. There is a liability issue if these parts malfunction. 2. The manufacturer will need to issue their approval in writing to modify their gear.
Is there another area in the NEC that states it is illegal to modify a manufacturer's equipment? Asking for help.
Thanks in advance for your help.
Re: Modifying Manufacturer's Equipment
There is no requirement that you cannot modify equipment, listed or other. If so, you could never fix an MCC or other piece of gear that had failed.
You do have to do so in an acceptable manner. What constitutes acceptable will tend to vary. But if you look at the code it uses the word "identified".
The rebuilder is in essence the one doing the identification. It is entirely possible he might even be able to relist the assembly after the fact iof that is important to you.
Re: Modifying Manufacturer's Equipment
You didn't mention if the equip. was listed. If it is 110.3(B) kicks in which requires listed equip. to be used in accordance with instructions included with the listing. Usually this covers installation and renewable parts.
You can modify listed equip. all day long. UL will simply tell you they have not investigated the product being used in that manner. It is then on the AHJ to approve the installation. There is no simple answer. It depends on the extent of the modification.
Modifications can be investigated under UL's follow up service, but it will take authorization from the manufacturer to make this happen as they will get the bill.
Since the contractor is the rebuilder, he could get a field evaluation from UL or an equal company, which in essence be equivalent to getting the equip. "relisted."
If you're worried about these parts malfunctioning, I'm guessing they are not simple screws or brackets. Can you describe the parts?
Re: Modifying Manufacturer's Equipment
Along these lines: I had a combination motor starter show up with 250V fuse blocks having been specified 600V. The disconnecting switch is rated 600V and the coil is 120V. The manufacture has sent 600V instructions and a parts kit for field installation.
Anyone see a problem or ever had to make these mods in the field? What do I do about the 250V nameplate?
Re: Modifying Manufacturer's Equipment
In washington state we have a state electrical rule that would prevent the end user from modifying a listed product,after its listed.
Personally, if the mfg made the mistake, then they should send out a tech to make the fix.
Re: Modifying Manufacturer's Equipment
In Washington, are you allowed to field install pushbuttons into UL/NEMA 12 enclosures? How about wireways without knockouts, how do you terminate conduit? Can you use any wirenut, or do you have to use the plastic ones (without internal springs) supplied with ceiling fans?
Re: Modifying Manufacturer's Equipment
I can understand the KO, HOA and such but, I need the RATING of the switch altered. I don't feel uncomfortable at all doing the mod but would hate to have a red tag hanging off of the switch on final.
Re: Modifying Manufacturer's Equipment
Originally posted by petersonra:
There is no requirement that you cannot modify equipment, listed or other. If so, you could never fix an MCC or other piece of gear that had failed.
I have to disagree here.
You can certainly 'fix' an MCC (or any equipment)with the proper listed parts.
You can not make these parts in your shop and install them in a listed MCC without voiding the listing of the MCC.
90.7 Examination of Equipment for Safety.
For specific items of equipment and materials referred to in this Code, examinations for safety made under standard conditions provide a basis for approval where the record is made generally available through promulgation by organizations properly equipped and qualified for experimental testing, inspections of the run of goods at factories, and service-value determination through field inspections. This avoids the necessity for repetition of examinations by different examiners, frequently with inadequate facilities for such work, and the confusion that would result from conflicting reports on the suitability of devices and materials examined for a given purpose.
It is the intent of this Code that factory-installed internal wiring or the construction of equipment need not be inspected at the time of installation of the equipment, except to detect alterations or damage, if the equipment has been listed by a qualified electrical testing laboratory that is recognized as having the facilities described in the preceding paragraph and that requires suitability for installation in accordance with this Code.