Complex Sentence Examples & Definition

The definition of a complex sentence is a sentence that contains one independent clause and at least one dependent clause.

Examples of Complex Sentences

Independent and Dependent Clauses

Common Complex Sentence Examples

As we have seen with the previous examples, the structure for a complex sentence essentially looks like this:

So, using that structure we can easily form examples of complex sentences: You should also be aware that a complex sentence can contain more than one dependent clause. Here are some examples of those types of complex sentences:

Complex Sentences from Literature

The 4 Types of Sentence Structure

  1. Complex Sentence
  1. Compound Sentence
  1. A Simple Sentence
  1. A Compound-Complex Sentence

Subordinating Conjunctions

Using Subordinate Clauses in Complex Sentences

As we mentioned earlier, a subordinate clause is another way of terming a dependent clause. Both words, subordinate and dependent, offer clues to help us better understand the function of these clauses in writing. Dependent means contingent on or determined by, whereas subordinate means lower in rank or position. That tells us that – grammatically speaking – subordinate/dependent clauses are not equal to the independent clause in a sentence. The independent clause and subordinate clause are not equal because the latter cannot form a sentence on its own. The subordinate clause is, as such, dependent on the independent clause to provide the complete meaning. You cannot create a complex sentence without using a subordinate clause in it. Other types of sentences – compound sentences, simple sentences – can exist without subordinate clauses. When you think about it, the subordinate clause is what makes the sentence ‘complex’. The subordinate clause requires the help of the independent clause for it to make sense. It reaches back or forward across the sentence to contextualize itself, making the sentence more ‘complex’ in the process.